Thursday, March 5, 2020

UCAS Workshop

UCAS Workshop We like things to be fair, so we were excited when The Access Project asked us to run a workshop to help with university applications in schools where most kids don’t go to university. Research done by the Sutton Trust suggests that even amongst schools with identical A-level results, some are much more likely to get pupils accepted into a top university than others. [1] One of the reasons for this is to the all-important UCAS form. The Sutton Trust research found that independent school applicants are more likely to submit carefully crafted UCAS statements. State school applicants, by contrast, appeared to receive less help composing their statement, and often struggle to draw on suitable work and life experience. [2] Clients often engage tutors to help their child with their university admission. So, we have joined forces with the Access Project to run a series of workshops to ensure some of London’s most deprived students have the best chance of creating a winning UCAS application. The workshop includes sessions on the choices available to students and includes support for individuals in composing their personal statement. We are immensely proud of the sixteen Tutorfair educators who are taking part and wish the students they help a huge good luck in their applications. The pilot workshop is on 6 February - contact us if you’d like to help. [1]  ( see pages 6-7) [2]   (

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